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Friday, March 22, 2024

How to change existing Azure VM from security type Trusted to Standard in order to enable nested virtualisation capabilities


It is not possible to change the security type of an existing Azure VM back to standard. The only known way to achieve this is to setup a new standard VM and attaching the old OS disk to it.

This process appears to be suitable for domain joined production environments as well, however, it may depend on the complexities of your own environment.


1. Stop the target VM.

2. Export the current OS disk as VHD. Run the following script in cloud shell bash.

#Provide the subscription Id where managed disk is created
subscriptionId="your sub ID"

#Provide the name of your resource group where managed disk is created
resourceGroupName="rg name"

#Provide the managed disk name
diskName="current OS disk"

#Provide Shared Access Signature (SAS) expiry duration in seconds e.g. 3600.
#Know more about SAS here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/storage-dotnet-shared-access-signature-part-1

#Provide storage account name where you want to copy the underlying VHD file of the managed disk.
storageAccountName="sa name"

#Name of the storage container where the downloaded VHD will be stored
storageContainerName="blob container for storing disks"

#Provide the key of the storage account where you want to copy the VHD
storageAccountKey="sa key"

#Provide the name of the destination VHD file to which the VHD of the managed disk will be copied.
destinationVHDFileName="name of VHD"

az account set --subscription $subscriptionId

sas=$(az disk grant-access --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $diskName --duration-in-seconds $sasExpiryDuration --query [accessSas] -o tsv)

az storage blob copy start --destination-blob $destinationVHDFileName --destination-container $storageContainerName --account-name $storageAccountName --account-key $storageAccountKey --source-uri $sas

3. Create managed disk from the exported VHD by running the following script in PowerShell Cloud Shell.
    Make sure HyperVGeneration and Zone match the new VM that will be created in the next step.

#Provide the subscription Id
$subscriptionId = 'your sub ID'

#Provide the name of your resource group
$resourceGroupName ='rg name'

#Provide the name of the Managed Disk
$diskName = 'name of VHD'

#Provide the size of the disks in GB. It should be greater than the VHD file size.
$diskSize = '127'

#Provide the URI of the VHD file that will be used to create Managed Disk.
# VHD file can be deleted as soon as Managed Disk is created.
# e.g. https://contosostorageaccount1.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/contoso-um-vm120170302230408.vhd
$vhdUri = 'https://<your sa>.blob.core.windows.net/<container name>/VHDfilename.vhd'

#Provide the resource Id of the storage account where VHD file is stored.
#e.g. /subscriptions/6472s1g8-h217-446b-b509-314e17e1efb0/resourceGroups/MDDemo/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/contosostorageaccount
$storageAccountId = '/subscriptions/<your sub id>/resourceGroups/<rg name>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<sa name>'

#Provide the storage type for the Managed Disk. PremiumLRS or StandardLRS.
$sku = 'StandardSSD_LRS'

#Provide the Azure location (e.g. westus) where Managed Disk will be located.
#The location should be same as the location of the storage account where VHD file is stored.
#Get all the Azure location using command below:
$location = 'your location'

#Set the context to the subscription Id where Managed Disk will be created
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscriptionId

#If you're creating an OS disk, add the following lines
#Acceptable values are either Windows or Linux
#$OSType = 'yourOSType'
#Acceptable values are either V1 or V2
#$HyperVGeneration = 'yourHyperVGen'

#Specify Zone
#Zone = 1

#If you're creating an OS disk, add -HyperVGeneration and -OSType parameters
$diskConfig = New-AzDiskConfig -SkuName $sku -Location $location -DiskSizeGB $diskSize -SourceUri $vhdUri -StorageAccountId $storageAccountId -Zone 2 -OsType Windows -HyperVGeneration "v2" -CreateOption Import

#Create Managed disk
New-AzDisk -DiskName $diskName -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName

4. Delete current VM while retaining OS Disk (just in case). 
    Make sure new VM uses dsv4 series of Azure VMs that support nested virtualisation.

5. Go to the new VM -> Disks, and choose Swap OS Disk. Choose the managed disk created in step 3.

6. Re-assign IP on the new NIC on Azure

7. Start new VM and connect using local administrator account
    After this step, OS disk provisioned along with new VM can be deleted.

8. Remove old and hidden NICs in Device Manager (Select Show hidden devices under View menu)

9. Edit Ethernet adapter by re-assigning IP along with default gateway and DNS server

You should now be able to install Hyper-V role on your Azure VM

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Adding domain CA trusted certificates to workgroup servers for SCCM connection


In certain enterprise scenarios, it is possible to have isolated servers, a.k.a workgroup servers, that are not joined to the main Active Directory domain due reasons such as security requirements (ex: internet facing servers).

Generally, Windows Server Clients should be part of the same domain as SCCM servers to be able to retrieve packages and security updates from SCCM Distribution Points (DPs). That is because SCCM needs to trust the client before it could push/pull packages and updates.

However, there is a workround to this problem that involves installing domain certificates in workgroup servers that are not part of the domain. To add on, this could be automated using PowerShell.


1. From a domain connected client server, copy the following types of certs over to the target workgroup client server:

    a. Root

    b. CertificateAuthority

    c. TrustedPublisher

2.  Run the following PowerShell script on the workgroup server with admin privileges. It uses .NET classes x509certificate2 and x509certificate. Make sure .NET 2.0 or above is installed on the target server.

#define script log file
$logfile = 'C:\Windows\Temp\Set-Certs.log'

#function to write into the log file
function writetolog([string] $txt) {
$Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")

Add-content $logfile -value $Stamp':'$txt


#define list of certs
$certs = @(@("<corp root>.cer","Root"),@("<CA authority 1>.cer","CertificateAuthority"),@("<CA authority 2, if any>.cer","CertificateAuthority"),@("<Trusted publisher>.cer","TrustedPublisher"))

#define path to folder containing certs
$certFolder = "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\WorkgroupCerts"

#go through each cert
foreach ($certName in $certs) {
#start of the try/catch

try {

$cert = $certName[0]
Write-Host $cert

$storename = $certName[1]
write-host $storename

$certPath = "$certFolder\$cert"
Write-Host $certPath

#create a new certificate object using the x509certificate2 .NET class
$newCert = new-object system.security.cryptography.x509certificates.x509certificate2

#import the pfx file and use the x509KeyStorageFlag 'PersistKeySet' to set the certificate as persistent in our certificate store

#get the thumbprint of the certificate going to be installed
$newCertThumbprint = $newCert.Thumbprint

#create a new object using the x509Store .NET class to manage the certificate catalog
$store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.x509Store("\\localhost\$storename", "LocalMachine")

#open the certificate store with the 'ReadWrite' flag to be able to modify it

#check if there is a certificate which match the new one's thumbprint present in the store
$certPresent = Get-ChildItem -Path CERT:\\LocalMachine -Recurse | Where-object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $newCertThumbprint}

#verify if the certificate is present. if not, install it
if(!$certPresent) {

Write-Host "Installing certificate on machine $machine"



Write-Host "Certificate already present on machine $machine"


#close the store


catch {
#update log
Write-Host "The installation has Failed on the machine $machine"



Monday, July 31, 2023

Checking EMC Networker configuration on new Windows Server builds


You have been tasked to find out if EMC Networker is configured properly on your new Windows Server builds. This could be achieved by running an Ansible Playbook coupled with a PowerShell script.



#Define list of servers and their respective login details, this could be achieved differently depending on your infrastructure design
- name: capture servers list
hosts: localhost
- servers: "{{ myhost.split(',') }}"
gather_facts: false
- import_tasks: automation-add-group.yml

- name: Check build status for windows
hosts: temp_group
gather_facts: false
- name: Check for networker agent
win_shell: if(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | where Name -eq 'Networker') { write-host "Found" } else { write-host "Not Found" }
register: backupagent
failed_when: "'Not Found' in backupagent.stdout"
ignore_errors: true

- name: make sure networker service is running
name: nsrexecd
state: started
register: srtbckup
ignore_errors: true

#If networker service is not running
- block:
- name: rename nsr folder
path: C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\res\nsrladb
state: absent
- name: make sure network service is running
name: nsrexecd
state: started
when: srtbckup is failed
ignore_errors: true

- pause:
seconds: 30

    #Calls the PowerShell script
- name: Check backup configuration
script: backservercheck.ps1
register: backupserver
failed_when: "'Backup client configured properly' not in backupserver.stdout"
ignore_errors: true


In this example, we wanted to check the backup configuration on 2 sites where each site had their own Backup servers. Hence, this script taps on the naming convention of each Windows Server to determine which Backup server it should connect to.

$hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME

if ($hostname -like '*naming convention 1*') {

$backserverlist = @('backup server 1 - site 1','backup server 2 - site 1')

foreach ($bckupserver in $backserverlist) {

 #Define nsr command
        $command = "echo print type: nsr client; name: $hostname | nsradmin -s $bckupserver -p nsrd"

 #Run nsr command in cmd
        $output = cmd.exe /c $command

if($output -like '*scheduled backup: Enabled*') {

Write-Host "Backup client configured properly"



} elseif ($hostname -like '*naming convention 2*') {

$backserverlist = @('backup server 1 - site 2','backup server 2 - site 2')

foreach ($bckupserver in $backserverlist) {

$command = "echo print type: nsr client; name: $hostname | nsradmin -s $bckupserver -p nsrd"

$output = cmd.exe /c $command

if($output -like '*scheduled backup: Enabled*') {

Write-Host "Backup client configured properly"




Saturday, July 1, 2023

Powershell script for checking Windows Server cluster health


You have been tasked to write a script to check the health of your Windows Server clusters. Additionally, you are also required to email the cluster health report to your team.


In order for the following script to work, FailoverClusters module must be imported to the sever that this script will run on. This can be achived by running the following command and it is a one-time task.

Import-Module FailoverClusters


#parameter 1, cluster server list
#parameter 2, email the report or not. Default is Yes.


#start of summary text
$summary = "############## Summary ##############`r`n"

#define log file
$logfile = "path to log file_$(get-date -f yyyyMMddhhmmss).txt"

$clusterlist = get-content $clustersfile

foreach ($cluster in $clusterlist) {

$errorflag = 0

Write-Host $cluster

$summary += $cluster

$cluster | Out-File $logfile -Append

if(Get-Cluster -Name $cluster -ErrorAction Continue) {

### cluster node
$clusternodes = Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $cluster
$clusternodes | ft | Out-File $logfile -Append

foreach ($clusternode in $clusternodes) {

if(($clusternode | select -ExpandProperty State) -ne "Up") {

$errorflag += 1 #if the status is not UP, then report error



### cluster resource
$clusterresources = Get-ClusterResource -Cluster $cluster
$clusterresources | ft | Out-File $logfile -Append

foreach ($clusterresource in $clusterresources) {

if(($clusterresource | select -ExpandProperty State) -ne "Online") {

$errorflag += 1 #if the status is not ONLINE, then report error



if($errorflag -ne 0) {

"ERROR: Check cluster`r`n" | Out-File $logfile -Append
Write-Host "Check cluster" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
Write-Host ""
$summary += " : Check cluster`r`n"

} else {

"OK`r`n" | Out-File $logfile -Append
Write-Host "OK" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black
Write-Host ""
$summary += " : OK`r`n"


"----------------------------------------------`r`n" | Out-File $logfile -Append

} else {
"`r`nERROR: Cannot connect to cluster, Please check manually`r`n" | Out-File $logfile -Append
"----------------------------------------------`r`n" | Out-File $logfile -Append
Write-Host "Cannot connect to cluster, Please check manually" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White
Write-Host ""
$summary += " : Cannot connect to cluster, Please check manually`r`n"



$summary | Out-File $logfile -Append

function sendemail{

if($emailtoteam -eq "Yes") {

$smtpserver = "smtp server hostname"
$dateformat = Get-Date -Format M
$emailsubject = "Daily cluster check - $dateformat"
$to = "report recipient mailbox"

Send-MailMessage -To $to -From "sender address" -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Subject $emailsubject -Body $summary -Attachments $logfile -Cc "copied recipient mailbox if any"




Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Install Splunk Universal Forwarder on Linux using Ansible

Before automating the installation, there are some things that needs to be taken care of. 

Universal Forwarder requires you to create a splunk administrator username and password during the installation. This can either be entered at prompt during the installation or specified in the installation command line. To get around this, we will be using a user-seed.conf that contains a preconfigured username and password as follows that can be called during the installation. More on that here https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.5/Security/Secureyouradminaccount

USERNAME = admin
PASSWORD = <your password>

Playbook is as follows.

- name: Install Universal Forwarder(UF) agent
hosts: ufservers
gather_facts: no
become: yes
- name: Get previous versions of UF if installed
shell: rpm -qa | grep splunk
register: oldUFnamerpm
ignore_errors: yes
- debug:
var: oldUFnamerpm
- name: Remove previous version of UF
- name: Remove old splunk from boot script
shell: ./splunk disable boot-start
chdir: /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
- name: Stop old splunk
shell: ./splunk stop
chdir: /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
- name: Uninstall previous version of UF
shell: rpm -e {{ oldUFnamerpm.stdout }}
when: oldUFnamerpm.stdout != ""
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Get old splunk process
shell: netstat -tulpn | grep -i splunkd | awk '{print $7}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}' | head -1
register: oldUFproc
- name: Kill old splunk process
shell: kill -9 {{ oldUFproc.stdout }}
when: oldUFproc.stdout != ""
- name: Remove old splunk dir
path: /opt/splunkforwarder
state: absent
- name: Copy tgz from control server to remote node
src: /home/yinidu/Linux_UF/splunkforwarder-8.0.0-1357bef0a7f6-Linux-x86_64.tgz
dest: /home/yinidu
- name: Untar tgz
shell: tar xvfz splunkforwarder-8.0.0-1357bef0a7f6-Linux-x86_64.tgz
chdir: /home/yinidu
- name: Move untar file to /opt
shell: mv /home/yinidu/splunkforwarder /opt/
- name: Copy user seed from control server to remote node
src: /home/yinidu/Linux_UF/user-seed.conf
dest: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/user-seed.conf
- name: Install splunk
shell: ./splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt
chdir: /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
- pause:
seconds: 10
- name: Stop splunk
shell: ./splunk stop
chdir: /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
- name: Add splunk user
name: splunk
state: present
- name: Enable boot-start
shell: ./splunk enable boot-start -user splunk
chdir: /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
- name: Change folder permission
shell: chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunkforwarder
- name: Start splunk
name: splunk
state: started
- name: Copy org_all_forwarder_outputs which contains heavy forwarder configuration
src: /home/yinidu/Linux_UF/org_all_forwarder_outputs
dest: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/
- name: Copy Splunk_TA_nix which contains input parameters
src: /home/yinidu/Linux_UF/Splunk_TA_nix
dest: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/
- name: Change folder permission
shell: chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunkforwarder
- name: Restart splunk
name: splunk
state: restarted
- name: Set permission on /var/log
shell: setfacl --recursive -m u:splunk:r-x,d:u:splunk:r-x /var/log
- name: Check netstat to make sure UF is connected to the heavy forwarder
shell: netstat -an | grep 9997
register: netstatop
- debug:
var: netstatop.stdout

Monday, August 31, 2020

Extending a disk on a window system using PowerShell and PowerCLI

Identify the correct disk to extend on OS


[string]$drivename #ex: C or D
$percentage = 1.1



$moddrivename = $drivename + ":"

$extendnumber = [math]::Round(((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | where DeviceID -like $moddrivename | select -ExpandProperty Size) /1TB)*$percentage)

if ($extendnumber -ge 2) {

return "2TBDisk"


$searchstring = '\\' +$env:computername+ '\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="' +$drivename+ ':"'

$disknumberlong = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition | where Dependent -Like $searchstring | select -ExpandProperty Antecedent

$disknumberlong -match 'Disk #(\d+)' | out-null

$disknumber = $matches[0].split('#')[1]

return $disknumber

} catch {



Extending VM disk


[String]$disknumber, #passed from the previous script
[double]$percentage=1.1 #percentage at which the disk should be extended by


Get-Module -Name VMware* -ListAvailable | Import-Module #call PowerCLI module

$vcusername = ''
$vcpassword = ''

$hostname = $serverfqdn.split(".")[0]

if ($hostname -like 'some naming convention') {

$vcservers = @("vc1","vc2")

foreach ($vc in $vcservers) {

Connect-VIServer -Server $vc -User $vcusername -Password $vcpassword

if ($vm = Get-VM $hostname) {

$correctvc = $vc


else {

Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vc -Confirm:$false



} elseif ($hostname -like 'some naming convention 2') {

$vcservers = @("vc3","vc4")

foreach ($vc in $vcservers) {

Connect-VIServer -Server $vc -User $vcusername -Password $vcpassword

if ($vm = Get-VM $hostname) {

$correctvc = $vc


else {

Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vc -Confirm:$false




#we assume most disks are using the first controller
$SCSI = '0:'+$disknumber

#heres the tricky part, pass each disk on the VM to get-scsicontroller which returns it's respective busnumber and unit number. Then get the disk name by filtering the result using the $SCSI variable.
$diskname = Get-VM $hostname | Get-HardDisk | Select @{N='VM';E={$_.Parent.Name}},Name,@{N='Node';E={'{0}:{1}' -f ((Get-ScsiController -HardDisk $_).ExtensionData.BusNumber),$_.ExtensionData.UnitNumber}} | where Node-like $SCSI | select Name -ExpandProperty Name

$disksize = Get-HardDisk -VM $hostname | where {$_.Name -eq $diskname} | select -ExpandProperty CapacityGB

$newdisksize = $disksize*$percentage

Write-Host $newdisksize

Get-HardDisk -VM $hostname | where {$_.Name -eq $diskname} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $newdisksize -confirm:$false

Disconnect-VIServer -Server $correctvc -Confirm:$false

Extending disk on OS





"RESCAN" | diskpart

$moddrivename = $drivename + ":"

$extendnumber = [math]::Round(((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | where DeviceID -like $moddrivename | select -ExpandProperty Size) /1MB)*$percentage)
write-host $extendnumber

$searchstring = '\\' +$env:computername+ '\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="' +$drivename+ ':"'

$disknumberlong = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition | where Dependent -Like $searchstring | select -ExpandProperty Antecedent

$disknumberlong -match 'Disk #(\d)'

$disknumber = $matches[0].split('#')[1]

$string1 = "select disk " + $disknumber
$string2 = "select volume " + $drivename
$string3 = "extend size=" + $extendnumber

$commands = @(

$commands | diskpart

Write-Host "Disk extension on OS layer completed"
exit 0

} catch {

Write-Host "Disk extension on OS layer failed"
exit -1


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Common SSL/TLS vulnerability fixes

SSL/TLS Diffie-Hellman Modulus <= 1024 Bits (Logjam)

Configure the following registry and restart the server



Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol CRIME Vulnerability - Splunkd port 8089

Change allowSslCompression = true to false and restart splunkforwarder service

C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\default>more server.conf | findstr allowSslCompression

allowSslCompression = false

SSL/TLS Diffie-Hellman Modulus <= 1024 Bits (Logjam)

Add the following line in sshd_config and restart sshd service

# Ciphers and keying

Ciphers chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com