- Create a package that calls the following PowerShell script
$logfile = 'C:\Windows\Temp\SetDNS.log'
function writetolog([string] $txt) { $Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
Add-content $logfile -value $Stamp':'$txt
$tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$DNSServers = $tsenv.Value("DNSservers") write-host "Retrieved DNS servers list successfully" writetolog("Retrieved DNS servers list successfully : " + $DNSServers) $DNSServers = $DNSServers -split ','
write-host "Cannot retrieve DNS servers list" writetolog("Retrieved DNS servers list successfully") exit -1 }
$Interface = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | where{$_.IPEnabled -eq “True” -and $_.IPAddress -like "53.*"} -ErrorAction Stop
write-host "Connected to WMI succesfully and interfaces retrieved" writetolog("Connected to WMI succesfully and interfaces retrieved")
Foreach($NIC in $Interface) {
try{ $NIC.SetDNSServerSearchOrder($DNSServers) write-host "DNS servers configured successfully" writetolog("DNS servers configured successfully") exit 0
} catch{
write-host "Cannot set DNS servers" writetolog("Cannot set DNS servers") exit -1
catch{ write-host "Cannot connect to WMI" writetolog("Cannot connect to WMI") return -1
2. Create a task sequence that installs the above package using Install Software task
3. Create a collection, add the clients that you need to set the DNS for
4. On that collection, set a collection variable called DNSservers and add the list of DNS servers separated by comma
5. Finally advertise the task sequence on this collection