Scenario: I was asked to generate a list of servers that were still using our old DNS servers. This script was included in an SCCM DCM baseline to generate the report.
$isComplaint = $true
$Interface = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | where{$_.IPEnabled -eq “True” -and $_.IPAddress -like "10.*"} -ErrorAction Stop
Foreach($NIC in $Interface) {
$IPs = $NIC.DNSServerSearchOrder
Foreach($IP in $IPs) {
if(($IP -eq 'your.old.DNS.ip') -or ($IP -eq 'your.old.DNS.ip2')) {
$isComplaint = $false
return "Non-Compliant"
if ($isComplaint -eq $true) {
return "Compliant"
return "Error"
Scenario: Configure new DNS server in DNS search order for those servers still using old DNS server. For this, we created a SCCM task sequence consisting of following script and deployed to a collection of computers. The DNS server list was passed through a TS variable "DNSservers". If you are only intrested about the PowerShell portion, then pass the DNS server list in the following format $DNSServers = “",”". The reason why we didnt directly ran the script on all servers was because there were a mixture of domain and workgroup servers that needed this change. We were able to run the script all servers using SCCM without bothering about the connection/authentication challenges.
$logfile = 'C:\Windows\Temp\SetDNS.log'
function writetolog([string] $txt) {
$Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
Add-content $logfile -value $Stamp':'$txt
$tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$DNSServers = $tsenv.Value("DNSservers")
write-host "Retrieved DNS servers list successfully"
writetolog("Retrieved DNS servers list successfully : " + $DNSServers)
$DNSServers = $DNSServers -split ','
write-host "Cannot retrieve DNS servers list"
writetolog("Retrieved DNS servers list successfully")
exit -1
#$DNSServers = “",”"
$Interface = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | where{$_.IPEnabled -eq “True” -and $_.IPAddress -like "10.*"} -ErrorAction Stop
write-host "Connected to WMI succesfully and interfaces retrieved"
writetolog("Connected to WMI succesfully and interfaces retrieved")
Foreach($NIC in $Interface) {
write-host "DNS servers configured successfully"
writetolog("DNS servers configured successfully")
exit 0
write-host "Cannot set DNS servers"
writetolog("Cannot set DNS servers")
exit -1
write-host "Cannot connect to WMI"
writetolog("Cannot connect to WMI")
return -1
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